Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Is Citizen Science a win-win situation?

Well, yes.

Citizen science is a relatively new concept and refers to the practice of public participation and collaboration in scientific research to increase scientific knowledge. It has several benefits for science and citizens, which makes it the win-win situation that it is. Let us start off with the benefits to science.

One of the main uses of Citizen Science is generation of data. Studies that need to gather data in large quantities often benefit from taking help of the general public. A great example for this is the Christmas Bird Count study sponsored by the National Audubon Society. Since 1900, the organization has sponsored a bird count that runs for about three weeks each year. An experienced birder leads a circle of volunteers as they collect information about local populations of birds. More than 2,000 such circles operate across the United States and Canada. These circles have generated six million individual records–an impressive number indeed. Citizens have also been involved in processing previously generated data. For instance, the Galaxy Zoo Project is an online Citizen Science project in which citizens helped sort through data on a million galaxies by describing them and classifying them in different categories. In the first year itself, 150,000 people participated in this project and classified more than fifty million galaxies.

Both these projects exemplify some important advantages of Citizen Science. Firstly, the amount of data generated and sorted is incredible. They say two heads are better than one, but thousands–that is a different league altogether. Moreover, the data could be gathered from a wide variety of places as well depending on the distribution of citizen scientists involved in the project. Secondly, researchers also save on valuable time. Had the scientists behind Galaxy Zoo Project have to sift through all the galaxies on their own… well let’s just say they are extremely grateful to the citizens involved in this project. Lastly, Citizen Science also cuts down on costs. Researchers save on the money they would have to spend on data-gathering researchers as most citizen scientists volunteer for these projects. So the power lies in numbers–more people, more data sets, less time, less money. This is a definite win for science.

Now we come to the benefits of the citizens. Simply put, Citizen Science projects bring science to the public. It encourages the general public to become interested in science and make an active contribution to it. Furthermore, it creates a community dedicated to science but not restricted to merely researchers and scientists. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology exemplifies this point. Since 1996, this lab has worked with more than 20,000 people every year. Their online tools such as the Avian Knowledge Network and eBird receive millions of observations every year from all around the world. This contributes to the larger birding community which taps into the millions of records generated by citizen scientists. Through the records, researchers can see how their own sightings fit into the continental picture and analyze the data to reveal striking changes in the movements, distributions, and numbers of birds through time.

Some Citizen Science projects also specifically encourage students to get involved in research. New York’s Bard College sets a broad example for this with its new “Citizen Science” requirement. All Bard freshmen take a three-week intensive introduction to the scientific method, regardless of their anticipated major. This provides important exposure to students and gives them a taste of what research truly is. They also learn a lot more about local issues, ecological or otherwise, affecting their community. Sounds like a win for citizens too.

Citizen Science seems too good to be true. There has to be a catch right? Maybe if there are so many people giving observations, some are bound to be wrong. Additionally, these people aren’t even trained scientists; they may not have the skill sets necessary to make proper observations. First to address the inaccuracy in observations claim: Yes it is possible that the some observations are inaccurate; however, the large number of people giving in the data counters that. As there are more people, the subjectivity is reduced. The chances of it being subjective would have been greater had one person been doing all the observations. And as for the skill set claim, the observations or the task required of the people often do not require training. And when they do, researchers often provide basic training to the citizen scientists.

My win-win situation sermon doesn’t end here. Perhaps, the greatest measure of Citizen Science’s potential and importance is the substantial contribution it makes to science and research. The Birds in Forested Landscapes Citizen Science project of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology yielded valuable insights into habitat fragmentation, occupancy by birds and local extinction rates. Results were published in scientific journals including the Journal of Animal Ecology, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and Ecology and Society. The results were also compiled into guidelines for land managers interested in conservation of tanagers, forest thrushes, and Golden-winged Warblers. This project also included a study on the effects of mercury and acid rain on birds. The results from that are being used to develop a model of mercury contamination in New York forests and identifying regions and birds at high risk. Citizen Science did some pretty good work out there.

This is just one example, but there are so many more. So many more studies that have been benefited and can be benefited by citizen scientists; so many more people that have been and can be involved with science; and so many more ways Citizen Science has been and can be the win-win situation that it is.


  1. Hi Jheel,

    This is very cool! I think citizen science is definitely extremely beneficial to both scientists and regular citizens. I particularly liked your example of the Galaxy Zoo Project. Getting regular people to simply go on your website and help sort data essentially just for fun is brilliant and I'm sure the citizens learned a lot about astronomy in the process. It made me want to go try it (once finals are over...)!

    I also really like that you addressed different concerns that people may have about citizen science. You refutation of these were well thought out and strong.

    Great Job!

  2. Hi Jheel,

    You have a really interesting and thought provoking blog! I think you bring up some good points about how Citizen Science allows for a lot of data to be gathered and although a small amount of people may take inaccurate data it will be countered by the large amount of accurate data. Perhaps one way to make sure correct data is being taken is to make sure the ones taking the data are educated about how to collect the data. Perhaps having a short quiz the data collectors must pass in order to submit the data could be implemented to make sure they collected the data correctly. As you said though the data collected is usually not too hard to take but these could be precautionary measures. You also mention it but I think Citizen Science could only be used for some easy form of data collection as some forms would require expertise in the field. Overall really interesting blog!


  3. Hello Jheel,

    I love how your blog title is "Asking Big Questions" and you begin this blog with a question - very cool style points! More so, the relaxed tone you wrote with (as demonstrated in "they say two heads...," "well let's just say," and "a definite win") is perfect for an Op-Ed. The diction makes the piece relatable to a broader audience. This is a key that some authors may overlook when focusing on the discussion of the science.

    The outline of the blog, from a general intro to the benefits then the possible downfalls, flows logically. Nice work! You made a great choice in choosing to address the possible downsides of Citizen Science. This made your argument that much stronger.


  4. I really like your choice of topic - citizen science is so interesting and (given that it is all about involving the general public in scientific conversations) it is very suitable for an op-ed discussion! I also think it is great that you examined the benefits that it has for both scientists and citizens. I find that most conversations about this topic focus more on the positives and negatives for scientists alone, while little attention is paid to the benefits for citizens - which is such an important part too! Furthermore, I think that you picked some wonderful examples through which to prove your points. Doing so really helps to make your stance seem applicable to many people as those are some pretty impressive volunteer numbers. Overall, I think you did a really great job!
